Pengertian Koperasi Menurut para Ahli
Pengertian Koperasi Menurut para Ahli | Koperasi adalah organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial, beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan-badan hukum koperasi yang merupakan tata susunan ekonomi sebagai usaha bersama berdasarkan atas asas kekeluargaan (Pasal 3 UU No. 12 Tahun 1967). Dalam Pasal 1 No. UU RI No. 25 Tahun 1992 tentang perkoperasian, menegaskan bahwa yang dimaksudkan dengan koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang seorang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan atas asas kekeluargaan
koperasi juga dapat dilakukan dari pendekatan asal yaitu kata
koperasi berasal dari bahasa Latin "coopere", yang dalam bahasa
Inggris disebut cooperation. Co
berarti bersama dan operation berarti bekerja, jadi cooperation berarti bekerja sama. Terminologi koperasi yang
mempunyai arti "kerja sama", atau paling tidak mengandung makna kerja
Berikut ini Pengertian Koperasi yang diutarakan
oleh menurut para ahli:
Arifinal Chaniago
Koperasi adalah suatu perkumpulan
beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum, yang memberikan kebebasan kepada
anggota untuk masuk dan keluar, dengan bekerja sama secara kekeluargaan
menjalankan usaha untuk mempertinggi kesejahteraan jasmaniah para anggotanya.
P.J.V. Dooren
tidaklah hanya kumpulan orang-orang, akan tetapi dapat juga merupakan kumpulan
dari badan-badan hukum (corporate)..
Koperasi adalah organisasi tolong menolong
yang menjalankan urusniaga secara kumpulan, yang berazaskan konsep tolong
menolong. Aktivitas dalam urusan niaga semata-mata bertujuan ekonomi, bukan
sosial seperti yang dikandung gotong royong.
Fay ( 1980 )
adalah suatu perserikatan dengan tujuan berusaha bersama yang terdiri atas
mereka yang lemah dan diusahakan selalu dengan semangat tidak memikirkan dari
sendiri sedemikian rupa, sehingga masing-masing sanggup menjalankan
kewajibannya sebagai anggota dan mendapat imbalan sebanding dengan pemanfaatan
mereka terhadap organisasi.
Margono Djojohadikoesoemo
adalah perkumpulan manusia seorang-seoarang yang dengan sukanya sendiri hendak
bekerja sama untuk memajukan ekonominya.
Prof. R.S. Soeriaatmadja
adalah suatu badan usaha yang secara sukarela dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh
anggota yang adalah juga pelanggannya dan dioperasikan oleh mereka dan untuk
mereka atas dasar nir laba atau dasar biaya.
Hubert Casselman
adalah suatu sistem, ekonomi yang mengandung unsur sosial.
Koperasi adalah kerja sama dan siap untuk
G Mladenata
adalah terdiri atas produsen-produsen kecil yang tergabung secara sukarela
untuk mencapai tujuan bersama dengan saling tukar jasa secara kolektif dan
menanggung resiko bersama dengan mengerjakan sumber-sumber yang disumbangkan
oleh anggota.
Hamid Hasan (1997 : 137)
Dikatakan bahwa
“Koperasi adalah Kumpulan dari orang-orang yang sebagai manusia secara
bersama-sama bergotong royong berdasarkan persamaan, bekerja untuk memajukan
kepentingan-kepentingan ekonomi mereka dan kepentingan masyarakat.
Beliau adalah seorang
ahli ilmu Sosiologi, dapat diperkirakan tinjauan beliau adalah tinjauan yang
menganggap bahwa Koperasi adalah konsep sosiologi.
Menurutnya koperasi
ada dua ide dasar yang bersifat sosiologi yang penting dalam pengertian kerja
sama :
Pada dasarnya orang lebih menyukai hubungan dengan orang lain secara langsung. Hubungan paguyuban lebih disukai daripada hubungan yang bersifat pribadi.
Manusia (orang) lebih menyukai hidup bersama yang salig menguntungkan dan damai
daripada persaingan.
Sesuai dengan
pandangan Taylor tersebut Koperasi dianggap lebih bersifat perkumpulan orang
daripada perkumpulan modal, selain dari sudut pandang ETIS/ RELIGIOUS dan sudut
pandang EKONOMIS.
Intenational Labour Office (ILO)
Menurut ILO definisi
koperasi adalah sebagai berikut :
Cooperation is an
association of person, usually of limited means, who have voluntaily joined
together to achieve a common economic and through the formation of a
democratically controlled businnes organization, making equitable contribution
of the capital required and eccepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of
the undertaking.
Definisi di atas
terdiri dari unsur unsur berikut :
Kumpulan orang orang.
Bersifat sukarela.
c .
Mempunyai tujuan ekonomi bersama.
Kontribusi modal yang adil.
Menanggung kerugian bersama dan menerima keuntungan secara adil.
Bukunya “ Passing
Monopoly as an aim of Cooperative” mengemukakan definisi sebagai berikut :
Koperasi melayani anggota, yang macam pelayanannya sesuai dengan macam
Rapat anggota memutuskan kebijakan dasar juga mengangkat dan meberhentikan
Pengurus bertanggung jawab dalam menjalankan usaha dan dapat mengangkat
karyawan untuk melaksanakan kebijaksanaan yang diterima dari rapat anggota.
Tiap anggota mempunyai hak satu suara dalam rapat anggota tahunan. Partisipasi
anggota lebih diutamakan daripada modal yang dimasukan.
Anggota membayar simpanan pokok, wajib dan sukarela. Koperasi juga dimungkinkan
meminjam modal dari luar.
Koperasi membayar bunga pinjaman sesuai dengan batas yang berlaku yaitu sesuai
dengan tingginya yang berlaku di masyarakat.
SHU ( Sisa Hasil Usaha ) dibayar pada anggota yang besarnya sesuai dengan jasa
Dalam hal mengalami kegagalan, anggota hanya bertanggung jawab sebesar
simpananya di koperasi.
Bukunya yang berjudul
“ A Theory of Cooperative “ menyakan bahwa penulis penulis Amerika serikat
umumnya menerima ide ide tentang koperasi sebagai berikut :
Koperasi adalah suatu bentuk badan usaha yang anggotanya merupakan
langganannya. Koperasi diorganisasikan , diawasi dan dimiliki oleh para
anggotanya yang bekerja untuk kemanfaatan mereka sendiri.
Praktek usahanya sesuai dengan prinsip prinsip Rochdale.
Koperasi adalah suatu kebalikan dari persaingan yaitu bahwa anggota lebih
bersifat kerja sama daripada bersaing diantara mereka.
Koperasi bukan perkumpulan modal dan tidak mengejar keuntungan, lain dengan
badan usaha bukan koperasi yang mengutamakan modal dan berusaha mendapatkan
Keanggotaan koperasi berdasarkan atas perseorangan bukan atas dasar modal
Dr. Muhammad Hatta
Dalam bukunya “ The
Movement in Indonesia” beliau mengemukakan bahwa koperasi adalah usaha bersama
untuk memperbaiki nasib penghidupan ekonomi berdasarka tolong menolong. Mereka
didorong oleh keinginan memberi jasa pada kawan “ seorang buat semua dan semua
buat seorang” inilah yang dinamakan Auto Aktivitas Golongan, terdiri dari :
c .
Menolong diri sendiri.
UU No. 25 Tahun 1992 (Perkoperasian Indonesia)
Koperasi adalah Badan
usaha yang beranggotakan orang seorang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan
melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan
ekonomi rakyat yang beradasarkan atas dasar asas kekeluargaan.
Itulah beberapa
pengertian mengenai Koperasi, yang sudah menjelaskan pengertian pengertian
koperasi dari berbagai sisi. Namun jika hanya sebatas pengertian tidak akan
cukup untuk lebih mengenal koperasi, maka akan dicoba menjelaskan selanjutnya
mengenai hal hal apa saja yang ada di dalam manajemen koperasi.
UU No. 25/1992 Pasal 3
bertujuan memajukan kesejahteraan anggota pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada
umumnya, serta ikut membangun tatanan perekonomian nasional dalam rangka
mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju, adil
dan makmur berlandaskan Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
No. 25/1992 Pasal 4 Fungsi Koperasi
Membangun dan
mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi anggota pada khususnya dan
masyarakat pada umumnya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosialnya
Berperan serta secara
aktif dalam upaya mempertinggi kualitas kehidupan manusia dan masyarakat
Memperkokoh perekonomian
rakyat sbg dasar kekuatan dan ketahanan perekonomian nasional dengan koperasi
sbg sokogurunya
Berusaha untuk
mewujudkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian nasional yang merupakan usaha bersama
berdasar atas azas kekeluargaan dan demokrasi ekonomi
1.Prinsip - Prinsip Munkner
Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela.
Keanggotaan terbuka.
Pengembangan anggota Identitas sebagai pemilik dan pelanggan.
Manajemen dan pengawasan dilaksanakan secara demokratis.
Koperasi sbg kumpulan orang-orang.
Modal yang berkaitan dg aspek sosial tidak dibagi.
Efisiensi ekonomi dari perusahaan koperasi.
Perkumpulan dengan sukarela.
Kebebasan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan penetapan tujuan.
Pendistribusian yang adil dan merata akan hasil-hasil ekonomi.
Pendidikan anggota.
2. Prinsip Rochdale
Pengawasan secara demokratis.
Keanggotaan yang terbuka.
Bunga atas modal dibatasi.
Pembagian sisa hasil usaha kepada anggota sebanding dengan jasa masing-masing
Penjualan sepenuhnya dengan tunai.
Barang-barang yang dijual harus asli dan tidak yang dipalsukan.
Menyelenggarakan pendidikan kepada anggota dengan prinsip-prinsip anggota.
Netral terhadap politik dan agama.
3. Prinsip Raiffeisen
Daerah kerja terbatas.
SHU untuk cadangan.
Tanggung jawab anggota tidak terbatas.
Pengurus bekerja atas dasar kesukarelaan.
Usaha hanya kepada anggota.
Keanggotaan atas dasar watak, bukan uang.
4. Prinsip Herman Schulze
Daerah kerja tak terbatas.
SHU untuk cadangan dan untuk dibagikan kepada anggota.
Tanggung jawab anggota terbatas.
Pengurus bekerja dengan mendapat imbalan.
Usaha tidak terbatas tidak hanya untuk anggota.
5. Prinsip ICA
Keanggotaan koperasi secara terbuka tanpa adanya pembatasan yang dibuat-buat.
Kepemimpinan yang demokratis atas dasar satu orang satu suara.
Modal menerima bunga yang terbatas (bila ada).
SHU dibagi 3 : cadangan, masyarakat, ke anggota sesuai dengan jasa
Semua koperasi harus melaksanakan pendidikan secara terus menerus.
Gerakan koperasi harus melaksanakan kerjasama yang erat, baik ditingkat
regional, nasional maupun internasional.
6. Prinsip / Sendi Koperasi
Menurut UU No. 12/1967
Sifat keanggotaan sukarela dan terbuka untuk setiap warga negara Indonesia.
Rapat anggota merupakan kekuasaan tertinggi sebagai pemimpin demokrasi dalam
Pembagian SHU diatur menurut jasa masing-masing anggota.
Adanya pembatasan bunga atas modal.
Mengembangkan kesejahteraan anggota khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya.
Usaha dan ketatalaksanaannya bersifat terbuka.
Swadaya, swakarta dan swasembada sebagai pencerminan prinsip dasar percaya pada
diri sendiri.
7. Prinsip Koperasi UU No. 25 /
· Keanggotaan
bersifat sukarela dan terbuka.
· Pengelolaan
dilakukan secara demokrasi.
Pembagian SHU dilakukan secara adil sesuai dengan jasa usaha masing-masing
Pemberian balas jasa yang terbatas terhadap modal.
Pendidikan perkoperasian.
Prinsip koperasi menurut UU no. 25 tahun 1992 adalah:
- Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela dan terbuka
- Pengelolaan dilakukan secara demokrasi
- Pembagian SHU dilakukan secara adil sesuai dengan jasa usaha masing-masing anggota
- Pemberian balas jasa yang terbatas terhadap modal
- Kemandirian
- Pendidikan perkoperasian
- Kerjasama antar koperasi
Koperasi Indonesia :
adalah Badan Usaha (Business Enterprise)
adalah kumpulan orang-orang dan atau
badan-badan hukum koperasi
Indonesia koperasi yang bekerja berdasarkan“prinsip-prinsip koperasi”
Indonesia adalah “Gerakan Ekonomi Rakyat”
Indonesia “berazaskan kekeluargaan”
Understanding Cooperatives According to Experts
Understanding Cooperatives According to the Experts | Cooperative is an organization of people's economic social character, consisting of the persons or legal entities that are cooperative economic arrangements as a joint venture based on a family basis (Article 3 of Law no. 12 1967). In Article 1 No.. Law No.. 25 of 1992 on cooperatives, asserted that the purpose of the cooperative is a business entity consisting of a person or legal entity with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of economic cooperation as well as the people's movement is based on a family basis.
cooperatives can also be done from a cooperative approach to the origin of the
word comes from the Latin " coopere " , which in English is called
cooperation . Co means together and operation means work , so cooperation means
working together . Cooperative terminology which has the meaning of "
cooperation " , or at least implies cooperation .
the following Cooperative
understanding expressed by the experts according to :
Arifinal Chaniago
Cooperative is an association consisting of the persons or legal entities , which gives freedom to the members to get in and out , working in a family run business to enhance the physical well-being of its members .
P.J.V. Dooren
Cooperatives are not just a collection of people , but can also be a collection of entities (corporate ) ..
Cooperative is a mutual help organization run by a collection urusniaga , that based on the concept of mutual help . Activity in the commercial affairs solely for the purposes of economic , not social like that contained mutual cooperation .
Dr. . Fay (1980 )
Cooperative is an association with the aim of trying to collective consisting of those who are weak and labored with a zeal not always think of themselves such that each can fulfill their obligations as members and receive benefits proportional to their utilization of the organization .
R.M Margono Djojohadikoesoemo
Cooperative is an association of human - seoarang who despise themselves want to work together to advance the economy.
Prof . R.S. Soeriaatmadja
Cooperative is an entity that voluntarily owned and controlled by members who are also its customers and operated by them and for them on the basis of non-profit or fee basis .
Paul Hubert Casselman
Cooperative is a system , which contains elements of the social economy .
Margaret Digby
Cooperative is a cooperative and ready to help .
Dr. . G Mladenata
Cooperative is composed of small producers who voluntarily joined together to achieve a goal by exchanging services and risk collectively working together with the resources contributed by members .
Said Hamid Hasan (1997 : 137 )
It is said that " Cooperatives are the set of people as human beings together and work together based on equality , working to advance their economic interests and the interests of society .
Dr.C.C. Taylor
He is an expert on the science of sociology , he can be expected to review is a review that assumes that the Cooperative is a sociological concept .
According to the cooperative there are two basic ideas that are important in understanding the sociology of cooperation :
a. Basically people prefer relationships with others directly . Community relations preferred over personal relationships .
b . Human ( people ) prefer to live with the salig profitable and peaceful than the competition .
In accordance with the views of Taylor Cooperative associations are considered to be more people than capital associations , apart from the point of view of ETHICAL / RELIGIOUS and ECONOMIC standpoint .
The International Labour Office ( ILO )
According to the ILO definition of cooperatives are as follows :
Cooperation is an association of persons , usually of limited means , who have joined together to Achieve voluntaily a common economic and through the formation of a democratically controlled businnes organization , making equitable contribution of the capital required and eccepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking .
The definition above is composed of representatives from the following elements :
a. Set of the people .
b . Is voluntary .
c . Have a common economic goals .
d . Organizations are democratically controlled enterprise .
e . Capital contributions are fair .
f . Bear the loss with and receive equitable benefits .
H.E. Erdman
His book " Passing Monopoly as an aim of the Cooperative " suggests the following definition :
a. Cooperative serving members , which kind of services in accordance with the types of cooperatives .
b . Meeting members also raised the basic policy decision and meberhentikan board .
c . Board is responsible for running the business and may appoint employees to carry out the received wisdom of the members' meeting .
d . Each member has the right to one vote in the annual meeting of members . Member participation precedence over capital are included .
e . Members pay principal savings , mandatory and voluntary . Cooperatives also possible to borrow capital from outside .
f . Cooperative to pay interest on the loan in accordance with the applicable limit is in accordance with the high prevailing in society .
g . SHU ( Business Profits ) the amount paid to the members according to the service member .
h . In terms of failure, members are only responsible for simpananya in cooperatives .
Frank Robotka
His book entitled " A Theory of Cooperative " menyakan American writer writers guild that is generally accepted ideas about cooperatives as follows :
a. Cooperatives are a form of business entity whose members are customers. Cooperatives organized , supervised and owned by its members who work for their own benefit .
b . Business practices in accordance with the principles of Rochdale .
c . Cooperative is the opposite of competition is that the member is more cooperation than competition among them .
d . Not cooperative associations and non-profit capital , the other with non-cooperative entity that prioritizes capital and trying to make a profit.
e . Cooperative membership based on individual and not on the basis of capital
Dr. . Muhammad Hatta
In his book " The Movement in Indonesia ", he argues that the cooperative is a concerted effort to improve the lot of subsistence economy based upon mutual help . They are driven by a desire to give service to comrades " for all and all a make a " this is called Auto Activity Group , consisting of :
a. Solidarity .
b . Individuality .
c . Help themselves .
d . Honest .
According to the ILO definition of cooperatives are as follows :
Cooperation is an association of persons , usually of limited means , who have joined together to Achieve voluntaily a common economic and through the formation of a democratically controlled businnes organization , making equitable contribution of the capital required and eccepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking .
The definition above is composed of representatives from the following elements :
a. Set of the people .
b . Is voluntary .
c . Have a common economic goals .
d . Organizations are democratically controlled enterprise .
e . Capital contributions are fair .
f . Bear the loss with and receive equitable benefits .
H.E. Erdman
His book " Passing Monopoly as an aim of the Cooperative " suggests the following definition :
a. Cooperative serving members , which kind of services in accordance with the types of cooperatives .
b . Meeting members also raised the basic policy decision and meberhentikan board .
c . Board is responsible for running the business and may appoint employees to carry out the received wisdom of the members' meeting .
d . Each member has the right to one vote in the annual meeting of members . Member participation precedence over capital are included .
e . Members pay principal savings , mandatory and voluntary . Cooperatives also possible to borrow capital from outside .
f . Cooperative to pay interest on the loan in accordance with the applicable limit is in accordance with the high prevailing in society .
g . SHU ( Business Profits ) the amount paid to the members according to the service member .
h . In terms of failure, members are only responsible for simpananya in cooperatives .
Frank Robotka
His book entitled " A Theory of Cooperative " menyakan American writer writers guild that is generally accepted ideas about cooperatives as follows :
a. Cooperatives are a form of business entity whose members are customers. Cooperatives organized , supervised and owned by its members who work for their own benefit .
b . Business practices in accordance with the principles of Rochdale .
c . Cooperative is the opposite of competition is that the member is more cooperation than competition among them .
d . Not cooperative associations and non-profit capital , the other with non-cooperative entity that prioritizes capital and trying to make a profit.
e . Cooperative membership based on individual and not on the basis of capital
Dr. . Muhammad Hatta
In his book " The Movement in Indonesia ", he argues that the cooperative is a concerted effort to improve the lot of subsistence economy based upon mutual help . They are driven by a desire to give service to comrades " for all and all a make a " this is called Auto Activity Group , consisting of :
a. Solidarity .
b . Individuality .
c . Help themselves .
d . Honest .
Law. 25 of 1992 ( Indonesian Cooperatives )
Cooperatives are business entities consisting of a person or legal entity with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of economic cooperation as well as the movement of people on the basis of the principle of kinship beradasarkan .
That is some understanding of the cooperative , the cooperative sense already explained the meaning of the various sides . However, if only limited understanding would not be enough to get to know co-operative , it will try to explain further about what might exist in the cooperative management .
Law suit . 25/1992 Article 3
Cooperative aims to promote the welfare of members in particular and society in general , as well as help build the national economy in order to realize an advanced society , just and prosperous based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution .
Law. 25/1992 Article 4 Functions of Cooperative
• Build and develop the potential and ability of member economies in particular and society in general to improve the economic and social welfare
• Participate actively in efforts to enhance the quality of human life and society
• Strengthening the economy of the people as the basis of the strength and resilience of the national economy with the cooperative as sokogurunya
• Trying to establish and develop the national economy which is a joint venture based on the principle of kinship and economic democracy
Cooperative principles
1. Munkner Principles
• Membership is voluntary .
• Membership is open .
• Development of member identity as the owner and the customer .
• Management and supervision of democratic management .
• Cooperative as a collection of people .
• Capital dg related social aspects are not shared .
• Economic efficiency of cooperative enterprises .
• Association with voluntary .
• Freedom in decision making and goal setting .
• the fair and equitable distribution of economic outcomes will be .
• Education members .
2 . Rochdale principles
• Supervision democratically .
• Membership is open .
• Interest on capital is limited .
• Distribution of net income to member services comparable to each member .
• Sales entirely with cash .
• The goods sold must be genuine and not forged .
• Provide education to members with the principles of members .
• Neutral to politics and religion .
3 . Raiffeisen principles
• Non .
• Work area is limited .
• SHU for backup .
• The responsibility of members is not limited .
• Board work on a voluntary basis .
• Effort only to members .
• Membership on the basis of character , not money .
4 . Principle Herman Schulze
• Non .
• Work area is infinite .
• SHU for backup and for distribution to members .
• The responsibility of members is limited .
• Board work rewarded .
• Businesses are not limited not only to members .
5 . The principle of ICA
• Membership cooperative openly without any restrictions made-up .
• democratic leadership on the basis of one person one vote .
• Capital received limited interest ( if any ) .
• SHU divided 3 : backup , the public , to members in accordance with their respective services .
• All cooperatives must implement continuous education .
• The cooperative movement should carry out close cooperation , both at regional, national and international .
6 . Principle / Joint Cooperative According to Law no. 12/1967
• The nature of voluntary and open membership to any Indonesian citizens .
• Member meeting is the highest authority as a democratic leader in the cooperative .
• Distribution services SHU governed by each member .
• The interest on capital restrictions .
• Develop the welfare of members in particular and society in general .
• Business and ketatalaksanaannya is open .
• Governmental , swakarta and self-sufficiency as a matter of basic principle of believing in yourself .
7 . Cooperative Principle Law. 25/1992
• Membership is voluntary and open .
• Management is done through democracy .
• Distribution of SHU conducted fairly in accordance with their respective business service members .
• provision of fringe benefits that are limited to capital .
• Independence .
• Education Cooperative.
8 . Cooperative principles according to Law no . 25, 1992 are :
• Membership is voluntary and open
• Management is done through democracy
• Distribution of SHU conducted fairly in accordance with their respective business service members
• provision of fringe benefits that are limited to capital
• Independence
• cooperative education
• Cooperation among cooperatives
Indonesian Cooperatives elements :
• Cooperatives are enterprises ( Business Enterprise )
• Cooperative is a collection of individuals and corporate bodies or cooperative
• Indonesian Cooperatives cooperative work based on " cooperative principles "
• Cooperative Indonesia is the " People's Economic Movement "
• Indonesian Cooperatives " based on the principle of kinship "